【SALE】「日本の匠」金華山外縫いスリッパ レッド (SURIPPA JAPAN RD)


【SALE】「日本の匠」金華山外縫いスリッパ レッド (SURIPPA JAPAN RD)


常価格 5,500円(税込)10%OFF価格 4,950円(税込)

■ THE KINKAZAN CLUB 「日本の匠」 金華山外縫いスリッパ レッド
■【素材】生地 : 甲/金華山織物 中敷/スエード調素材・ポリエステル100%
■対応サイズ : 23cm~26cm
■ 製品の原産国 : 日本製/徳島県




This special pair is born from the encounter of traditional craftsmanship from Wakayama and Tokushima prefectures.
With the “udatsu” motif adorning the tip of the toe, they offer a relaxed fit, and the embossed sole provides a non-slip structure.
High-quality urethane is used for the insole, ensuring long-lasting comfort and durability.


“Udatsu” refers to a decorative architectural feature found on traditional Japanese houses during the Edo period.
It consists of small pillars or fireproof walls, symbolizing the prosperity and flourishing of the household.
This term is inspired by the renowned “Udatsu Streetscapes” in Tokushima prefecture, a major production area for slippers.

「日本の匠」は、スリッパを通じて日本の文化や歴史を彩った(株)ホンシュのオリジナルブランドコレクション。パイル織の最高峰と名高い、華やかで立体的なパターンを描くパイルジャガード「金華山テキスタイル」に着目。著名なデザイナーズコレクションや劇団の舞台衣装にも使用され、その匠の技と美しさから国内外で高い評価を受けている「金華山テキスタイル」は(株)中矢パイルとコラボレーションし、優美で凹凸のある織り目を活かし、あえて1色で染め上げた生地を「SURIPPA by Houstable」の代表モデル「うだつスリッパ」にまとわせました。

“Honshu Corporation” original brand collection, ‘Japanese Artisans,’ has enriched Japanese culture and history through its slippers.
Drawing attention to the pinnacle of pile weaving known as “KINKAZAN TEXTILE” renowned for its elaborate and three-dimensional patterns. Used in prominent designer collections and theater troupe costumes, “KINKAZAN TEXTILE”has garnered high acclaim domestically and internationally for its masterful craftsmanship and beauty. Collaborating with “NAKAYA Pile Co., Ltd.,” they have incorporated this elegant and textured weave into the ‘Udatsu Slippers,’ a representative model of “SURIPPA by Houstable,” deliberately dyeing the fabric in a single color.


Wakayama Prefecture boasts a rich heritage of ancestral skills, diverse products, agricultural blessings from its warm climate, specialty items crafted by locals, and ancient festivals and traditional arts.
Additionally, it has established the “Wakayama Prefecture Excellent Local Products (Premier Wakayama) Endorsement System” to promote its exceptional locally made goods across various sectors.



当商品はOMOTENASHI SELECTION 2021を受賞しております。


金華山テキスタイルを主軸にファッション、インテリア、生活雑貨など 人々の生活や暮らしに価値あるカタチとして展開。

●THE KINKAZAN CLUBを共通のメッセージにしたコミュニティー創出。
消費者とのコミュニティーによる人との繋がりを大切にするためのネットワーク を創出。 企業と消費者との垣根を越えた金華山ファンの獲得。

新しい価値を生み出していくためのクリエイティブチームを発足。 参画するもの同士がひとつのチームとして知恵と技術を共有し、 すべての事業活動が 連携したプロジェクト化を図る。

● Collaboration between producers and product
manufacturers to develop new products, focusing on “KINKAZAN TEXTILE” as the core, and expanding into fashion, interior design, and lifestyle goods to provide valuable forms for people’s lives.

● Establishment of ”THE KINKAZAN CLUB” as a community with a shared message.
Creating a network to cherish connections with people through consumer communities. Acquiring Kinkazan fans beyond the boundaries between companies and consumers.

● Formation of a creative team to generate new value.
Initiating a creative team to share knowledge and skills among participants as one team, aiming to integrate all business activities into coordinated projects.


優雅で洗練された日本の伝統パイル織物「金華山」 テキスタイルの世界へ。 それは文化との繋がり、表現の自由を導いてくれます。 心を包む新しい風の時代にふさわしいヒト・モノ・コトを具現化していきます。

Turning everyday scenes into exceptional stages.
Welcome to the world of elegant and refined Japanese traditional pile weaving, “KINKAZAN TEXTILE” .It leads to a connection with culture and freedom of expression.We will materialize “people, things, and events” suitable for the new era of refreshing winds that envelop the heart.

世界有数のパイル織物の産地である和歌山県橋本市。ここで織られる伝統技術は、その名を金華山織りとして世界に知られています。 金華山織りとは元々、金糸・銀糸で模様を織り出した紋ビロードの一種。近年では、天然繊維と合繊繊維を模様別に使い分け、染色の創意工夫によって 織り上げたパイル織物をそう呼んでいます。通常の紋ビロードは、けばと輪奈 を組み合わせて模様を織り出したビロード、つまりカットパイルとループパイル を用いて布地に文様を織り出すパイル織物。 そのなかでも 金華山織りは立体感 のある仕上がりが特徴です。豪奢で華やかな外観と、ビロード独特の手触りの良さ から、高級感のあるインテリアファブリックとして用いられています。

Located in Hashimoto City, Wakayama Prefecture, a leading producer of pile fabrics worldwide.The traditional techniques woven here are known globally as “KINKAZAN TEXTILE”.Originally, “KINKAZAN TEXTILE” was a type of “patterned velvet” woven with gold and silver threads to create patterns. In recent years, pile fabrics woven using natural and synthetic fibers in different patterns, with creative dyeing techniques, are also referred to as “KINKAZAN TEXTILE”.Traditional “patterned velvet” are typically woven with cut pile and loop pile to create patterns on the fabric. Amongthem,“KINKAZAN TEXTILE” is characterized by its three-dimensional finish.With its luxurious and glamorous appearance and the unique soft touch of velvet, it is used as a high-end interior fabric.


